Embark on a cinematic adventure with Smalltown Society as we take charge of the East Bay's premier private movie club, the Chabot Secret Screen, starting January 17th!
Join us at the Chabot Theater for a monthly celebration of music and art in film, beginning with an award-winning SECRET film on January 17th – described as "hilariously disturbing, and disturbingly hilarious" by a critic. This film, rarely seen on the big screen, promises a visually stunning, deeply meaningful, and funny experience, enhanced by the incredible sound on the Chabot's state-of-the-art audio system.
The event includes a custom pre-show (30 minutes before showtime), local music, and a post-film discussion.
$5 at the door.
The fun begins at 7:00 pm.
Visit www.thechabot.com/secretscreen for more information.